Page:The Eyes of Innocence.djvu/99

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playfully, but a little sadly. "You promised to make yourself pleasant to your enemies in the salon; and this is the best you can do! Am I not entitled to complain? Did we not shake hands as friends?"

He uncrossed his arms and his expression changed. Once again she felt the relaxation of a tense will, the immediate suppression of all resistance in this silent man whose square chin and inflexible eyes bore witness to his obstinacy.

"Good!" she said. "Capital! But you still look a little fierce. ... That's better! ... And now, come along."

He stopped her:

"Do not ask too much of me. You are so far above ordinary life, so inaccessible, that you can mix with those people and remain serene and untouched. I could only do so at the risk of deteriorating. One must make allowance for different temperaments. I shall be polite, that's all."

Then she stayed and they talked.