Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/38

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cause: even because he forbade to use the sword, and would not be called a prince or a leader, as his nation expected their Messiah should be. Mohammed raised armies, and many feared his power: — Christ commanded peace, and was despised. Mohammed made himself a prince and a chief, and men envied him: — Christ was meek and lowly of heart, and they to whom he was promised scoffed. Mohammed told of his visions, and men believed through hope and fear, though they saw not: — Christ boasted not what was done when he prayed at midnight among the mountains; but many witnessed how he trod the waves, and how he was clothed in light, and how his Father spake to him; and yet was he rejected by multitudes, because the hopes and fears he gave were not of this world. Both died through hatred and cruelty; Christ on the cross, and Mohammed by poison. The mighty chief was honored and mourned in his death; but unto men he died wholly, and multitudes forsook his religion when he was no more heard or seen. Christ died amid mockery and degradation; but darkness and earthquakes signalized his death; and multitudes pressed into his kingdom when he had given to