Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/49

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that radient eyes are upon us, and that even while we speak our words are recorded where none shall blot them out.

The God of our life sees us, replied Eber, and no created eyes can discern so piercingly; He also remembers for ever whatsoever is in the hearts of men, and no other record is so sure.

Do the Christians not believe then, said Havilah, that God has messengers, whose bodies decay not like those of men, nor are nourished, as they? Who else should bear the throne of God, and sing higher praise than men can offer? Whom besides hath man to intercede for him, to guard his soul while living, and appoint its lot after death? All who are faithful believe in such, and they are called infidels who doubt.

Far be it from me, replied Eber, to suppose that He who spread forth the universe has not filled every region with life, and formed beings as much nobler than man as man is nobler than the insect of a day. When I feel how weak are the powers of the body as compared with the strength of the soul; when my spirit mounts above the stars, or plunges into the depth of the abyss, while my feet are chained to the