Page:The Faith as Unfolded by Many Prophets.djvu/70

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ed unchanged in many tongues; but the children of my own land, and those men of other countries who cannot understand all that Paul and Peter have written, can yet believe in the revelation sent by God through Christ.

My child, said Havilah, loves to hear how Jesus gave sight to the man who was born blind.

Rather, I doubt not, than to listen while Aza reads to him from the Book. — And Eber looked for the old man, but he had withdrawn to another place where he might read in peace.

Havilah replied, The Book is full of wisdom, for which the minds of children are not ripe, and therefore I would that Aza had imparted less of it to my child. I have told him that I fear lest the boy should become weary, and should turn away when the time should come for him to read: — but the old man declares there is a music in the pages, which delights every ear, and a beauty which wakens smiles even in one so young as this child. These are among the signs that it was written on high.

Nay, said Eber, but where is this music when the words are those of another tongue? The Book of the Prophet is read in my lan-