Page:The Fall of the Alamo.djvu/39

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Had lightly tapped my shoulder,

[Smiling embarrassedly.]
It was nought,

Nought save perhaps a draught, an ocean-breeze.
I'll close the window!

In the act of shutting it he looks without.]

Ha! what means that flash

Of sunny light, like a reflex of arms?
And moves not there a band of weaponed men.
In far off distance o'er the hazy plain?

[Seizeing a telescope he surveys the neighborhood.]

Once more my fancy has belied my eye;
It is a forest-isle I so mistook
That mute and still lies on the prairie's breast.
Still, as precaution is the sire of wisdom,
I'll go and send my cavalry to scour
The country o'er, and order to enforce
The guards upon the walls and at the gates.

Scene VI.

When Bradburn goes toward the door., Elsie enters.


My father, stay! grant me a moment's hearing!


Defer, I pray, till later thy request;
For urgent business claims my presence elsewhere.