Page:The Family Album.pdf/51

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I thought that Cuba would be a good place. But John said Bermuda.

I was against Bermuda for a wedding trip, because I didn’t want to go there on an onion-moon.

We got quarreling over the trip and John suggested that we turn it into a bicycle race.

He saved everything and has still got a ticket for the Ferris Wheel at the Chicago world’s fair in 1892. He chased the mice out of a nest, stuck a feather duster in it and gave it to his sister for a new bonnet.

He wore a rubber collar and used a carpet tack for a back button. Once he went across the river on business. At that time, telephone calls cost ten cents. John wanted to speak to pop. So he sent pop a telegram collect.

The telegram cost pop twenty-eight cents before he realized the contents. The messenger boy wouldn’t let pop open it first. You know curiosity killed the cat. But realization brought it to life again.

Pop paid the money and then read the telegram. He turned white with condensed rage.

Pop got so mad that he called John up and asked