Page:The Family Legend.pdf/49

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Nobly contending; who would raise aloft
The interdicting hand, and say, "Be still'd?"
If this in me be sin, may heaven forgive me!
That being am not I.


In very deed

This is thy sin; and of thy manly nature
The only blemish worthy of that name.
More peaceful be, and thou wilt be more noble.


Well, here we will not wrangle for the point.

None in th' embattled field who have beheld
Hubert de Grey in mailed hauberk fight,
Will guess how much that knight in peace delights.
Still burns my heart that such a man as thou
Was't for this weak, unsteady, poor Maclean——


Nay, with contempt, I pray thee, name him not.

Her husband, and despised! 0, no, no, no!
All that pertains to her, e'en from that hour,
Honour'd and sacred is.


Thou gen'rous heart! more noble than myself!

I will not grieve thee.—I'll to Helen go,