Page:The Family Legend.pdf/86

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hurry her to the brink of the rock, when she shrinks back.)


O no! the soul recoils from swift destruction!

Pause ye awhile.(Considering for a moment.)
The downward terrible plunge!
The coil of whelming waves!—O fearful nature!
(Catching hold of a part of the rock near her.)
To the rough rock I'll cling: it still is something
Of firm and desp'rate hold—Depart and leave me.

(Waving her hand for the Vassals to go, whilst she keeps close hold of the rock with the other.)


Thou still mayst live within a prison pent,

If life be dear to thee.

HELEN, (eagerly.)

If life be dear!——Alas, it is not dear!

Although the passing fearful act of death
So very fearful is.——Say how, even in a prison,
I still may wait my quiet natural end.


Whate'er thou art, such has thy conduct been,

Thy wedded faith, e'en with thy fellest foes,
Sure and undoubted stands:—Sign thou this scroll,