Page:The Famous History of the Learned Friar Bacon.djvu/17

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Friar Bacon frames a Brazen Head

Friar Bacon being now a profound proficient in the Art of Magic, and many other sciences, contrived with one Friar Bungey, who was his pupil, to do something memorable for the good of their country; and many things they cast in mind. At last they remembered that England had often been harassed and invaded by the Romans and other nations, at several times, to the great effusion of blood; and should any thing be contrived to prevent this they should raise a lasting monument to their immortal names.

Bacon upon this concluded to frame a Head of Brass, and if by their art they could make it speak, and answer their demands, they would require that all the sea-girt shores of England and Wales be walled with brass, and brazen towers raised on the frontiers of Scotland to hinder the incursions of the hardy Scots.
