Page:The Famous History of the Learned Friar Bacon.djvu/20

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for this? No, speak wiser, or he shall sleep on. Time is, quotha! Why I know time is, and that you shall hear, Goodman Kettle,

Time is for some to gain,
Time is for some to lose.
Time is for some to hang,
But then they do not chuse.

Hear you this, Goodman Copper Nose, we scholars know what Time is without thy babbling; we know when Time is to drink good sack, eat well, kiss our hostess, and run on the score; but the time to pay them indeed is but seldom.

While he continued thus merrily discoursing, a noise began like the former, and the head said, TIME WAS.—Well, said Miles, this blockish head is the greatest piece of nonsense my master ever troubled himself about. How would he have laughed had he been here to hear it thus prattle so simply! Therefore, thou brazen-faced ass, speak wiser, or I shall not trouble my head to wake him. Time was, quotha! Thou, ass, thou—and so you shall hear; for I find my master has watched and tutored you to fine purpose—

Time was when thou a kettle
Wast wont to hold good matter,
But Bacon did thee spoil
When he thy sides did batter.
