Page:The Farm and Fruit of Old a translation in verse of the 1st and 2nd Georgics of Virgil, by a market-gardener (1862).djvu/60

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Led by the horn the felon goat shall stand, 470
While reeking entrails roast on hazel wand.
But still the vineyard-dresser must pursue
That other task which none can over-do,
For thrice and four times each succeeding year
The caking surface must be cloven sheer, 475
The clods for ever fork'd across and straight,
And the grove lighten'd of its leafy weight.
Our labour ever in a round comes back,
And rolling twelvemonths beat their beaten track.
What time the vine her sere leaf lays aside, 480
And cold north winds smite down the forest pride,
E'en then the gardener, keen amid his cheer,
Forecasts the business of the coming year,
With Saturn's hook the widow'd vine pursues,
And pruning forms her as himself may choose.
Be first to dig the ground, and first right soon
To make a bonfire of the shoots you prune;
Be first to carry home and stack your props,
Be last to gather in the vintage crops. 489
Twice every year the leaf-shade coops the bine,
And twice the weeds and brambles choke the vine,
Hard trials both will prove; then take the alarm,
Applaud a large, but work a little farm.