Page:The Farm and Fruit of Old a translation in verse of the 1st and 2nd Georgics of Virgil, by a market-gardener (1862).djvu/66

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While this man gapes along the pit, to hear
The mob and senators renew their cheer; 610
And others, reeking in fraternal gore,

With songs of triumph quit their native shore,
Abjure sweet home for banishment, and run
In quest of country 'neath another sun—614
Meanwhile the farmer speeds the plough amain,
Awakes the earth, and opes the year's campaign,
Supports his country, and his children rears,
And feeds his kine and well-deserving steers.
No time but what the lavish seasons greet 619
With fruit, or firstlings, or with sheaves of wheat,
And load the croft, and burst the barn with wealth:
'Tis winter now, the oil-press groans with fruit,
The mast-fed swine come frisking full of health,
And still the forest offers red arbute:
Ripe Autumn spreads her generous tariff, 625
And mellow vintage streaks the sunny cliff.
Sweet children cluster round the farmer's kiss,
The chaste home keeps the innocence of bliss.
The cows stand full of milk, and on the grass
Fat kids cross horns, to try a sportive pass. 630
The farmer, in the midst, keeps holiday,
And, while his co-mates crown the bumpers gay,