Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/192

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(138) Garrulax albogularis whistleri.

The Western White-throated Laughing-Thrush.

Garrulax albogularis whistleri Stuart Baker, Bull. B. O. C, xlii, p. 29 (1921) (Simla).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Differs from true albogularis in having the upper parts paler, more grey and less red, in having the red of the under parts paler and duller, and in being distinctly bigger.

Colours of soft parts as in the last bird.

Measurements. Wing 132 (very abraded) to 144, average 139 mm.; other measurements in proportion.

Distribution. Himalayas from the Hazara country to Garhwal.

Nidification. Breeds at all ranges between 4,000 and 9,000 feet in May and June, making a cup-shaped nest of grass, leaves, roots, tendrils, etc., rather loosely put together and generally bound with reed stems. Sometimes there is no lining, at other times it is well lined with moss and fern roots. They are usually built in small, fairly thick bushes in dense forest, less often in small trees and rarely in scrub or secondary growth. The eggs number three, seldom two and even more seldom four, and are of a beautiful glossy dark blue, darker than that of any other egg except Hodgsonius phœnicuroides. In shape they are fairly long ovals, and the average of 50 eggs is 29·0 × 21·1 mm.

Habits. These birds are as gregarious and almost as noisy as the White-crested Laughing-Thrushes, remaining in flocks even during the breeding season. They are birds of high elevations and do not seem to wander down much below 3,000 feet, though they may be found a little lower in winter. They keep much to forest, feeding on the ground and on low undergrowth. Though from their habits difficult to watch, they are not shy birds.

(139) Garrulax strepitans.

Tickell's Laughing-Thrush.

Garrulax strepitans Blyth, J. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 268 (1858) (Mt. Muleyit, Tenasserim); Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 83.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Forehead, crown and nape reddish brown; face black; hinder portion of ear-coverts ferruginous; a spot on either side of the neck white; hind neck, sides of neck and upper back ashy, paler and whiter in front, darker behind, and blending with the olive-brown of the upper plumage and wings; tail blackish, marked with olive-brown on the outer webs; throat and breast chocolate-brown, the latter bordered by ashy blending with the olive-brown of the remainder of the plumage.