Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/211

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Trochalopterum variegatum.

Key to Subspecies.

Outer webs of primaries and part of tail yellow
T. v. variegatum, p. 173.
Outer webs of primaries and part of tail slaty-blue
T. v. simile, p. 174.

(162) Trochalopterum variegatum variegatum.

The Eastern Variegated Laughing-Thrush.

Cinclosoma variegatum Vigors, P. Z. S., 1831, p. 56 (Himalayas, E. Nepal).
Trochalopterum variegatum. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 95.

Vernacular names. Ganza (Nepalese).

Description. Forehead fulvous; crown and nape ashy-brown; feathers of eyelid and a spot behind the eye white; lores and a line over and below the eye to the ear-coverts black; ear-coverts white with a black patch; chin and upper throat bhack; cheeks fulvous, meeting round the black throat; sides of neck and whole upper plumage olive-brown; wing-coverts the same, the greater broadly edged with rufous; winglet and primary-coverts black; the inner webs of the inner secondaries black, the outer grey tipped with white; outer webs of other quills bright golden-yellow tinged with rufous and tipped with white; a large black patch on the outer secondaries; the middle four pairs of tail-feathers black on three parts of their length, then ashy-yellow and tipped with white, the other feathers ashy-yellow on the inner webs, olive-yellow on the outer and tipped white; breast and sides of the body fulvescent ashy-brown; remainder of lower plumage bright tawny-buff.

Colours of soft parts. Bill black; legs and feet pale reddish orange-brown; iris pale yellow-green, brown, raw sienna-brown, pale yellowish brown (Hume).

Measurements. Length about 280 to 290 mm.; wing 102 to 112 mm.; tail about 130 mm.: tarsus about 38 mm.; culmen about 20 mm.

Distribution. Himalayas from Chamba to Nepal.

Nidification. This Laughing-Thrush breeds from Simla to Nepal in April, May and June at elevations between 4,000 and 8,000 feet. The nest is a bulky cup made principally of grass with a few roots, dead leaves, etc., mingled with it. Sometimes there is no lining, but at other times there are a few roots and grass stems. It is placed in low bushes and small trees at any height above the ground from a few inches to 10 feet. The eggs generally number three, sometimes four and very rarelv five. They are a pale, rather dull blue in colour, freckled and spotted with different shades of reddish brown, and are not nearly such