Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/321

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notes, which would soon betray its whereabouts if its actions had not previously done so.

(287) Alcippe nepalensis fratercula.

The Shan States Babbler.

Alcippe fratercula Rippon, Bull. B. O. C, xi, p. 11 (1900) (Shan States).

Vernacular names. Chin-ting-wo-lee (Kachin).

Description. The ring of white feathers round the eye less conspicuous than in the Nepal Babbler; there is no vinaceous tinge on the upper plumage and the under parts are rich ochraceous, the chin being of the same colour as the rest.

Colours of soft parts. "Iris crimson, the legs and bill horn-colour" (Rippon).

Measurements. Wing 58 to 66 mm., the southern birds measuring a trifle less than the northern; culmen 11 mm.

Distribution. The Bhamo Hills, Shan States and hills of Eastern Burma to Tenasserim.

Nidification similar to that of the last. Thirty eggs average 18·9 × 13·8 mm. and go through as great a variation in colour as do those of that bird.

Habits. Rippon and Harington both describe the habits of the Shan States birds as being as vivacious and free from shyness as those of the preceidng bird.

(288) Alcippe poioicephala poioicephala.

The Nilgiri Quaker-Babbler.

Thimalia poioicephala Jerd., Madr. Jour. L. S., xiii, p. 169 (1844) (Nilgiris).
Alcippe phæocephala. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 158.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Head and neck brownish ashy-grey; ear-coverts hair-brown; back and upper parts brown, tinged grey on upper back, olive on lower back and rufous on rump and upper tail-coverts; outer webs of primaries and visible portions of tail chestnut; chin and throat greyish buff; breast, abdomen, flanks and under tail-coverts ochraceous buff.

Colours of soft parts. Iris slaty-grey; bill horny-brown; legs and feet greyish-fleshy.

Measurements. Total length about 150 mm.; wing 66 to 70 mm.; tail about 65 mm.; tarsus about 17 to 18 mm.; culmen 13 mm.

Distribution. Hills of Southern India, Nilgiris, Coonoor, Wynaad etc. and Travancore.