Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/324

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Distribution. Tavoy, Mergui South to about the latitude of Mouhmein.

Nidification. Apparently similar to that of others of this group but the eggs obtained so far are all of the pink blotchy type except two clutches sent me from Tenasserim by one of my collectors, which are white with deep purple specks and spots. They were taken on the 19th January and the 1st June respectively and measure 19·5 × 14·8 mm.

Habits. Davison says that this Quaker-Babbler "is found only in the low hills and at their bases where the country is well wooded. It avoids the dry, deciduous forests. In habits, voice etc. it exactly resembles the preceding species" (the Nepal Babbler).

(292) Alcippe poioicephala haringtoniæ.

The Upper Burma Quaker-Babbler.

Alcippe phonocephala haringtoniæ Hartert, Bull. B. O. C, xxv, p. 10 (1909) (Bhamo).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Differs from all but the next bird in having coronal bands of black on either side of the head extending down to the upper back. The under parts from the chin to vent are ochraceous buff tinged with olivaceous on the flanks.

Measurements. Wing 65 to 70 mm.; culmen 12 to 13 mm.

Distribution. N.E. Upper Burma and N. Shan States.

Nidification. Not recorded but sixteen eggs taken by Harington, Mackenzie and Grant average about 18·7 × 14·8 mm.

Habits/ Harington only found this form in the plains near Bhamo itself and not in the hills.

(293) Alcippe poioicephala magnirostris.

The Lower Burma Quaker-Babbler.

Alcippe magnirostris Walden, Blyth's B. of B., p. 115 (1875) (Karennee).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Differs from the last race in having the coronal stripes sooty-brown instead of black; the chin and throat are whitish and the head is more brownish grey and well defined from the back; the ear-coverts also are greyish brown and the olive-brown of the back is tinged with grey.

Measurements. Wing 69 to 73 mm.; culmen 13 mm.

Distribution. Siam, S. Shan States, Karenni and S.E. Burma to just north of Moulmein.

Nidification and Habits. Nothing recorded, but fifteen eggs taken by Mr. J. M. D. Mackenzie average 19·2 × 14·7 mm.

In coloration, shape and markings they are like those of the last bird.