Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/333

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Measurements. Total length about 115 to 120 mm.; wing 53 (Harington) to 67 mm.; tail about 45 mm.; tarsus about 22 to 23 mm.; culmen 9 mm.

Distribution. Sikkim, Nepal, Assam North of the Brahmaputra, Lakhimpur, Chin and Kachin Hills, Shan States and hills of Central East Burma to Tenasserim.

Specimens from N. Assam are perhaps a little more rufous or fulvous than those from the Shan States South to Tenasserim, but the average difference is so little that it seems hardly enough for the purposes of subspecific rank. Individual specimens vary greatly.

Nidification. The nests, though similar in shape and site to those of the last, differ in construction in having a great deal of moss mixed with the other material. Davison describes nests as made wholly of this material and worked beautifully into the living moss growing on trees. The eggs are very like those of the last bird and twenty measure on an average 18·1 × 13·6 mm.

Habits. Those of the genus, but Stevens says that this bird is more arboreal in its habits than the last. It is found from almost the level of the plains up to 7,000 feet.

(303) Pseudominla castaneiceps brunneicauda.

The Shillong Chestnut-headed Babbler.

Minla brunneicauda Sharpe, Cat. B. M., vii, p. 609 (1883) (Shillong).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Differs from the last in having the head much paler and more rufous, the chestnut on the wings paler; the tail brownish.

Colours of soft parts as in the last.

Measurements. Wing 58 to 62 mm.; tail about 45 mm.; tarsus 22 mm.; culmen 9 to 10 mm.

Distribution. Khasia Hills, Cachar Hills and probably Manipur.

Nidification. Nests in the Khasia Hills in April, May and June. The nest is like that of the last but with less moss and more grass and bamboo leaves both in the lining and the outer part. Forty eggs average 17·9 × 13·4 mm.

Habits similar to those of the last two.

Genus FULVETTA David & Oust., 1877.

The name Proparus having been lirst applied to a species of Minla is only a synonym of that genus and cannot be used for this. David and Oustalet's name, originally given to a Chinese species, is therefore available. In Fulvetta the nostrils are covered by a membrane and are overhung by numerous hairs but the rictal bristles are short. The hind claw is very long and thick, equal in length to the hind toe. The wing and tail are