Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/336

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Measurements. Tota; length about 110 mm.; wing 51 to 55mm.; tail about 54 mm.; tarsus about 22mm.; culmen 9 mm.

Distribution. Mt. Victoria and highest peaks of Chin Hills.

Nidification. Nests taken by Mr. F. Grant on Mt. Victoria were similar to those of F. v. vinipecta, being made of grass and leaves thickly bound together with green moss, the leaves only showing through in small patches here and there; the lining was of fine roots and in shape the nests were rather deep, well-made cups. They were placed in low bushes in forest. Two eggs sent me by Mr. Grant are like those of Hodgson's Fulvetta but measure only 16·3 × 13·0 mm.

Habits. Those of the genus. It is found on Mt. Victoria up to 9,000 feet.

(307) Fulvetta manipurensis.

The Manipur Fulvetta.

Proparus manipurensis O.-Grant, Bull, B. O. C, xvi, p. 123 (Manipur).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Similar to F. v. vinipecta but differs in wanting the while supercilia and in having the flanks and sides bright tawny-rufous; the coronal stripes are chocolate, not black, and the lower back, rump and upper tail-coverts are dull ochraceous orange.

Colours of soft parts. The legs in the dried skin are light brownish-yellow.

Measurements. Wing 50 to 56 mm.; tail about 47 mm.; tarsus about 22 mm.; culmen 8 mm.

Distribution. Obtained by Godwin-Austen on the Owen-khulno Peak, Manipur, and not again by anyone else.

Nidification and Habits. Unknown; found at 8,000 feet.

(308) Fulvetta ruficapilla sordidior.

Rippon's Fulvetta.

Proparus sordidior Rippon, Bull. B. O. C, xiii, p. 60 (1903) (Talifu).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Lores and in front of the eye greyish; a white ring round the eye; forehead, crown and nape dull chestnut; a faint grey supercilium and over that a black stripe; ear-coverts greyish brown; back and wings olive-grey; outer edge of first primaries bluish grey, inner black; lower back, rump and upper tail-coverts and tail fulvous; chin and throat grey, obsoletely striped; breast vinous grey; flanks and abdomen pale fulvous.

Colours of soft parts. "Iris dark brown; bill black-brown, lower mandible yellow-brown; legs and feet dark olive-brown"(Rothschild, Nov. Zool., xxviii, p. 27).