Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 2).djvu/59

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insects oil the wing, never descending to the ground, and of solitary habits. Their notes are very harsh.

Key to the Species.

a. Crest long and pointed, reaching to upper part of back. a'. Throat and sides of head ashy b' ' . Throat and sides of head glossy black . . b. Crest short and rounded, not reaching beyond nape. c '. Back deep chestnut ; throat and sides of head bluish ashy d' '. Back ashy rufous. a". Throat and sides of head dark ashy. . b". Throat and sides of head black . T. parodist : 5 at all ages arid c? before second autumn, p. 45. T. paradisi : <J after second autumn moult, p. 45. T. affinis : 5 a t all ages, c? while in chestnut plumage, p. 47. T. nicobarica : $ at all agpes, p. ^48. T. nicobarica : $ while in chestnut plumage, p.48.

598. Terpsiphone paradisi. The Indian Paradise Flycatcher.

Muscicapa paradisi, Linn. Syst. Nat. i, p. 324 (1766). IMuscipeta paradisea, Jerd. III. Orn. pi. 7. Tchitrea paradisi (Linn.), Blyth, Cat. p. 203 ; Horsf. Sf M. Cat i, p. 133 ; Jerd. B. L i, p. 445 ; Hume, N. $ E. p. 196 ; Hume Sf Renders. Lah. to Yark. p. 184. Muscipeta paradisi (Linn.), Cripps, S. F. vii, p. 274; Hume, Cat. no. 288 ; Scully, & F. yiii, p. 273 ; Barnes, Birds Bom. p. 158. Terpsiphone paradisi (Linn.), Sharpe, Cat. B. M. iv, p. 346; Leyye, Birds Ceylsy. 404 ; Oates in Hume's N. $ E. 2nd ed. ii, p. 22.

The Paradise Flycatcher, Jerd. ; Shah Bulbul, Hosseini Bulbul, Sultana Bulbul, Taklah, Doodhraj, Hind. ; Tonka piyli pitta, Tel. ; Wai Konda- lati, Tarn.

Fig. 19. Bill of T. paradisi.

Coloration. The young of both sexes have the forehead, crown, nape, and crest metallic bluish black ; sides of the head, chin, throat, and the neck all round ashy brown, the brown of the throat blending gradually with the pale ashy of the breast, and this again with the white of the remainder of the lower parts ; upper plumage,