Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Fishes Vol 1).djvu/449

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modified. Ventral inserted in commencement of last third of distance between end of upper jaw and base of caudal fin. Anal with some of its rays, especially the sixth and sometimes the seventh, much thickened and elongate. Caudal cut square or slightly rounded. Scales—none on dorsal or anal fins; present on upper jaw. Colour—a silvery band along the side.

Hab. Seas of India to the Malay Archipelago and beyond. Common at the Andamans in protected bays.

548. (11.) Hemirhamphus huffoiris.

Hemirhamphus buffonis, Cuv. & Val. H. N. Poiss. xix, p. 43; Day, Fish. India, p. 516, pi. cxix, fig. 4 (see synon.).

Koo-door-rock-o-dah, Andamanese.

B. xi. D. 14. P. 10. V. 6. A. 10–12. C. 13. L. r. 42.

Length of head 219 to 2½, of beak 319 to 3½, height of body 8½ to 9 in the total length. Eyes—diameter 1½ in postorbital extent of head, 1¼ apart. Upper jaw one fourth wider at its base than it is long. A barbel at posterior nostril one half length of eye. Fins—dorsal with a rather oblique upper edge. Ventral small, inserted in commencement of last third of distance between eye and base of caudal fin. Anal commences under the third or fourth dorsal ray, and the length of its base is from one half to one third as long; some of its rays are sometimes thickened. Caudal rounded, its lower rays very slightly produced. Scales—on upper jaw, none on the vertical fins. Colour—a narrow silvery streak along the side; upper half of dorsal black.

Hab. Bombay, Hooghly, Andamans, waters of the Malay Archipelago and perhaps China. This fish ascends tidal rivers for some distance. It attains at least 8 or 9 inches in length.

549. (12.) Hemirhamphus ectuntio.

Esox ectuntio, Ham. Buch. Fish. Ganges, pp. 212, 380.
Hemirhamphus ectunctio, Day, Fish. India, p. 517, pl. cxix, fig. 6 (see synon.).

Nga-poung-nyo, Burmese; Gongieturi, Ooriah.

B. x. D. 13–14. P. 9. V. 6. A. 10–12. C. 15. L. l. 46–48.

Length of head 2½ to 2¾, of beak 5½, height of body 11 in the total length. Eyes—2¼ to 2½ diameters in postorbital length of head, and 1¼ apart. Head and body compressed. Upper jaw twice as long as broad at its base. Upper surface of the head flat. A short barbel, which is sometimes absent, at the nostril. Fins—the dorsal commences somewhat in advance of the anal. Ventral inserted in commencement of last third of distance between eye and base of caudal. Anal rays thickened in the male. Caudal rounded. Scales—on upper jaw, none on vertical fins. Colour—dull greenish brown, with a narrow and indistinct lateral band; end of upper jaw milk-white.