Page:The Female-Impersonators 1922 book scan.djvu/29

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The Mildly Virile.

brawn, just as intellectual tastes and spirituality do with brain. With the evolution of the race in culture, erotic ardor, together with the animal side of man's nature in general, is declining. The goal for which the race is headed is the minimum of sexual consciousness, coitus for procreation only, just enough offspring to keep the number of the human race on earth stationary, lengthened life, and ever increasing expansion of the intellectual in man at the expense of the physical. With this evolution, the proportion of sterile bisexuals will also increase.

The fighting forces of a nation are almost entirely made up of the two more virile classes, although together constituting only about twenty-five per cent of the total manhood of civilized nations. It is dangerous for the world's peace when these two classes get control of a great nation's government. Of the five classes of males being described, these two alone love war and seek occasion for it.

(3) The Mildly Virile constitute, among so-called "Christian" nations, about seventy-five per cent of all males.[1] Only on rare occasions do thoughts

  1. A physician of wide experience who read the above before publication argued that in the United States, only five per cent are mildly virile. I stand unconvinced that my proportion is in error. The proportion surely differs with racial types and environment. The physician has always lived in New York City and practiced among liberal-minded, non-church, pleasure-loving people of Teutonic or Latin parentage. My own every-day associates, particularly in the village where I was brought up and which I still frequently visit, have been, almost entirely, ultra-puritan Anglo-Saxons. When I maintained their sexual temperance, the physician declared them hypocrites, whose secret practice is the same as "worldlings'." I have been intimately acquainted with hundreds of these male puritan church-devotees, and am convinced they are hypocrites solely in supposing their sexual moderation due to their own superior morals. Sex has naturally small place in their lives.