Page:The Female-Impersonators 1922 book scan.djvu/295

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Yearning for Feminine Attire.

that he had been pregnant a few years previously and been operated on in a hospital and the conception removed 'through his side.' .... I am convinced that this mendacity is due to his delusions.

" .... While he could sing soprano well, he could not whistle .... and he threw a stone like a girl. [Common earmarks of androgynism.] .... He did not, as he moved about .... give one the impression that there was anything in his demeanor simulating femininity, nor did his behavior in any way betray the remarkable manner in which his sexual life was being lived ....Apart from his extremely meagre education, he is no fool or dullard in other particulars. .... It would seem that his trade [professional female-impersonator and fairie] is olied chiefly for the money there is in it .... He claims he has never been arrested or otherwise interfered with by the police

" .... He has always been possessed of the contrary sexual instinct. He always shunned women and girls more or less, while yearning at the same time to assume female attire and enter into their domestic vocations .... Believing himself designed by Nature to play the very part he is playing in life, it was truly remarkable to hear this nervous, loquacious, foul-mouthed, and foul-minded fairie of the most degraded slums of the multi-millioned city chatter about his experiences. ....

"Few writers in the field of psychiatry have enjoyed what I had next the opportunity to observe. .... The putting on of female attire by a contrary sexed male. [The paper details the putting on of the various articles.] .... He became very talkative ....telling of some of his recent escapades .... gesticulating as we