Page:The Finding of Wineland the Good.djvu/64

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gavest my father,' he answers, 'when I left Iceland with thee, that thou wouldst thus part with me, when thou sadist, that we should both share the same fate.' 'So be it, it shall not rest thus,' answers Biarni; 'do thou come hither, and I will go to the ship, for I see that thou art eager for life[1].' Biarni thereupon boarded the ship, and this man entered the boat, and they went their way, until they came to Dublin in Ireland, and there they told this tale; now it is the belief of most people, that Biarni and his companions perished in the maggot-sea, for they were never heard of afterward[2].

Karlsefni and his Wife Thurid's Issue.

The following summer Karlsefni sailed to Iceland and Gudrid[3] with him, and he went home[4] to Reyniness (59). His mother believed that he had made a poor match and she[5] was not at home the first winter. However, when she became convinced that Gudrid was a very superior woman, she returned to her home, and they lived happily together. Hallfrid was a daughter of Snorri, Karlsefni's son, she was the mother of Bishop Thorlak, Runolf's son (60). They had a son named Thorbiorn, whose daughter's name was Thorunn, [she was] Bishop Biorn's mother. Thorgeir was the name of a son of Snorri, Karlsefni's son, [he was] the father of Ingveld, mother of Bishop Brand the Elder[6]. Steinunn was a daughter of Snorri, Karlsefni's son, who married Einar, a son of Grundar-Ketil, a son of Thorvald Crook[7], a son of Thori of Espihol. Their son was Thorstein the Unjust[8], he was the father of Gudrun, who married Jorund of Keldur. Their daughter was Halla, the mother of Flosi, the father of Valgerd, the mother of Herra Erlend the Stout[9], the father of Herra Hauk the Lawman. Another daughter of Flosi was Thordis, the mother of Fru Ingigerd the Mighty[10]. Her daughter was Fru Hallbera, Abbess of Reyniness at Stad (59). Many other great people in Iceland are descended from Karlsefni and Thurid, who are not mentioned here. God be with us, Amen!

  1. EsR: '"Such was not thy promise to me," says he, "when I set out from Iceland with thee, from my father's home." Biarni says: "I see no other course left here, however; but" [answers] "what suggestion hast thou to offer?" He says: "I have to suggest, that we change places, do thou come hither, and I will go thither." Biarni answers: "So be it. I see, indeed, that thou clingest eagerly to life, and holdest it hard to die." So they changed places.'
  2. EsR: 'And men say, that Biarni perished there in the maggot-sea, together with those men, who were there with him in the ship. But the boat, and they who were in it, went their way, until they reached land, and afterwards told this tale.'
  3. EsR: 'Snorri.'
  4. EsR: 'to his home.'
  5. ÞsK: 'Gudrid.'
  6. 'hinn fyrri.' EsR: 'and there this saga ends.'
  7. krókr.
  8. ranglátr.
  9. sterki.
  10. ríka.