Page:The First Book of Napoleon.djvu/22

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Chap. I.

humbling and debasing those whom God had made superior to him, in mind, body, and estate.


And while this spirit raged in Gaul, the curse of God was upon the land, and bloodshed, murder, and rapine, and all manner of blasphemy, wickedness, and uncleanness, prevailed amongst the people thereof.


And they not only despised the commandments of the Lord, but also blasphemed the name of the only true and living God, and they made idols and false gods to themselves, and fell down and worshipped them.


And lo and behold, the chief idol, which this wicked and perverse people set up and worshipped, was like unto a beast, although made somewhat after the image of a man.


And out of the head of the beast there arose three horns, and upon each of the horns there were written these words, Sedition, Privy Conspiracy, and Rebellion; and on the forehead of the beast, and under the horns,