Page:The First Part of the True and Honorable Historie of the Life of Sir John Old-castle (1600).pdf/7

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The Prologue.

T He doubtful Title (Gentlemen) prefixt
Vpon the Argument we haue in hand,
May breede suspence, and wrongfully disturbe
The peacefull quiet of your setled thoughts:
To stop which scruple, let this briefe suffise.
It is no pamperd glutton we present,
Nor aged Councellor to youthfull sinne,
But one, whose vertue shone aboue the rest,
A valiant Martyr, and a vertuous peere,
In whose true faith and loyaltie exprest
Vnto his soveraigne, and his countries weale:
We striue to pay that tribute of our Loue,
Your fauours merite, let faire Truth be grac'te,
Since forg'de inuention former time defac'te.