Page:The Fleshly school of poetry - Buchanan - 1872.djvu/114

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New Books and New Editions

Tottie's Trial.

By Kay Spen, Author of "True of Heart," &c. Crown 8vo, 10s. 6d.

Tennyson's Songs:

Being a Collection of Songs and Ballads from the Published Works of Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet-Laureate. Square 8vo, cloth extra, 5s.

Saint Abe and his Seven Wives.

A Tale of Salt Lake City. Crown 8vo, 5s.

The Secret History of the International.

By Onslow Yorke. Crown 8vo, 2s.

Music and Morals.

{{By the Rev. H. R. Hawes. Post 8vo, 12s.}}

Twilight Hours.

A Legacy of Verse. By Sarah Williams (Sadie). Third and Enlarged Edition, Crown 8vo, 5s.

The Drama of Kings.

By Robert Buchanan. Post 8vo, 12s.

Lord Bantam.

By the Author of "Ginx's Baby." Crown 8vo.