Page:The Flora of British India Vol 3.djvu/241

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Vernonia.'] Lxxviti. composite:. (J. D. Hooker.) 233 serrate^ heads 30-flowered large fascicled in terminal panicled corymbs, invol. bracts linear obtuse and apiculate or acuminate or pungent outermost subulate, achenes sparsely hairy, pappus dirty white or reddish. Kurz in Joui-n. As. Soc. 1877, ii. 200. V. aspera, DC. Piodr. v. 31, not of Ham. ; WaU. Cot. 2922, exci. A.; Clarke Comp. 2nd. 17. Eupatorium asperum, JRoab. Hart. Beng. Gl ; Fl. Ind. iii. 415. E. pyramidale, Don Piodr. 170. Xipholepis aspera, Steetz in Peters Mosamb. Bot. 346 ? excl. syn. Westeen Himalaya; Kumaon, Royle, Edgeworth. Chota-Nagpore, and Central India, alt. 1-4000 ft. Behar, J. J). H. Concan, Law (perhaps cult.); Birma, at Bhamo, on dry hills, Griffith. More branched than V. teres ; leaves often narrowed into a slender petiole, acumi- nate and deeply serrate; heads smaller, very numerous; invol. bracts fewer and broader, inner ^ in., quite linear ; achenes as large, less hairy and only between the ribs ; outer pappus hairs often absent, 15. V. penlnsularls, Clarke mss. ; roughly pubescent, stem flexuous ribbed, leaves petioled elliptic acute serrate, heads 20-3(>-flowered few corymbose, invol. bracts oblong with very long slender often recurved awns outer filiform squarrose, achenes glabrous, pappus pale reddish. V. bracteata, var. peninsu- laris, Clarke Comp. Ind. 18. Decaneuron silhetense, Wt. Ic. t. 1083. Travancore, at Courtallam, Wight. Stem nearly simple, deeply furrowed. Leaves 2-4 by 1^-2 in., rather membranous, scabrid above. Heads | in. diam. ; outer invol. bracts -^ in. ; awns often as long as the lamira, woolly. Achenes a.nd pappus as in V. bracteata, 16. Vr anceps, Clarke mss. ; shrubby, branches slender terete and corymbs brown-pubescent, leaves petioled lanceolate or narrowly elliptic-lanceolate acu- minate distantly serrulate puberulous on both surfaces or beneath only, heads 80-40-flowered in open corymbs, inner invol. bracts short oblong-lanceolate acute outer subulate, achenes strongly 4-5-ribbed puberulous, pappus dirty white, outer a ring of short paleaceous scales. V. Wightiana, var. /3, Thwaites Enum. 160. Ceylon ; Adam's Peak, Thwaites. Branches woody, as thick as a crow- or goose-quill. Leaves 2-3 by y-| in. Achenes ^ in., twice as long as the invol. bracts.— This, Thwaites, considering the close similarity of their floral characters, does not venture to separate from V. Wightiana; but the foliage, &c., is so entirely different in form, membranous consist- ence, toothing, and glabrousness, that I cannot but agree with Mr. Clarke in keeping it distinct; the corollas are nearly glabrous. 17. V. revoluta, Ham. in Trans. Linn. Soc. xiv. 218; dwarf, puberulous, leaves sessile linear apiculate margins revolute, heads 30-40-flowered subsolitary, invol. bracts few broadly oblong-lanceolate acuminate, achenes hairy terete, pappus white. Clarke Comp. Ind. 22. V. oligocephala, Edgew. in Trans. Linn. Soc. XX. 63. Western Himalaya; Kumaon and Garwhal, Boyle, Falconer, &c. Bhotan, Griffith. A perennial woody-rooted herb, branched from the base; stems 2-6 in., ascending or erect, slender, angled and grooved. Leaves erect, 1 by ~-^ in., with a strong niid- rib and strongly revolute entire margins. Hads in. diam.; peduncles striate; bracts subulate or ; invol. bracts puberulous ; outermost very narrow, subulate, often recurved; inner in. long, scarious; corolla-lobes hairy. Achenes (unripe) in., sparingly hairy ; pappus in. long, persistent, outer hairs 0.

    • Heads small, about in. long, numerous or few, coi-ymbose.

t Annual ; achenes terete, not angled or ribbed. 18. V. cinerea, Less, in Linncea, iv. 291, and vi. 673 ; herbaceous, hoary- voL m. I