Page:The Flora of British India Vol 4.djvu/11

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xcv. asclepiadeæ. (J. D. Hooker.)

**** Corona single, staminal, cupular or annular. Corolla rotate.

Corona of a 10-lobed ring, and 5 horny processes behind the anthers
25. Holostemma.
Corona annular. Leafy erect or twining herbs or shrubs
26. Cynanchom.
Corona annular. Leafless straggling shrubs
27. Sarcostemma.

Tribe IV. Marsdenieæ. Anthers with a membranous inflexed tip (absent in Physostelma and rarely in Hoya); pollen-masses solitary in each cell (10 in all), sessile, or pedicelled in pairs on the corpuscle, erect (rarely horizontal or pendulous in Tylophora).

* Corolla-lobes overlapping. Corona 0, or corolline.

Stem twining. Corolla-lobes- short, Corona
28 Sarcolobus.
Stem pendulous. Corolla-lobes long. Stigma included
29. Pentasacme.
Stem twining. Corolla lobes short. Corona on the corolla- tube
30. Gymnema.

** Corolla-lobes overlapping. Coronal processes on the staminal column, rarely 0.

* Corolla urceolate companulate or salver-shaped.

Corolla urceolate. Coronal processes minute or 0. Stigma included
31. Gongronema.
Corolla urceolate or salver-shaped. Coronal scales on thr back of the anthers, simple
32. Mabsdenia.
Corolla rotate or salver-shaped. Coronal scales on the back of the anthers, notched
33. Pergularia.
Corolla salver-shaped, coriaceous. Coronal scales (in Indian species)
34. Stephanotis.
Corolla-lobes long, doubled down inwards in bud
35. Lygisma.

** Corolla rotate.

Cymes various. Column minute. Coronal processes fleshy
36. Tylophoba.
Cymes umbelliform. Column large; coronal processes simple
37. Treutlera.
Cymes racemiform. Column minute, fleshy; coronal processes 2-fid
38. Cosmostigma.
Cymes umbelliform, pendulous. Coronal scales spreading, cuspidate
39. Drkgka.

*** Corolla valvate. Coronal processes adnate to the staminal column.

Corolla small, rotate. Column short, corona stellate. Follicles slender
40. Heterostemma.
Corolla large, rotate. Column short, corona stellate. Follicles stout
41. Dittoceras.
Corolla urceolate or disciform. Corona cupular, fleshy
42. Oianthus.
Corolla minute, urceolate. Coronal scales membranous, erect
43. Dischidia.
Corolla rotate. Corona very large, stellate
44. Hoya.
Corolla cupular. Corona large, stellate
45. Physostelma.
Corolla-tube short, lobes long subulate. Ovary sunk in the calyx-tube
46. Pycnorhachis.

Tribe V. Ceropegiese. Anthers incumbent on the stigma, without a membranous tip; pollen-masses one in each cell (10 in all) sessile in pairs on the corpuscle, erect or horizontal. Corolla-lobes valvate in all.

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