Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/323

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enraged and beat the hen, but the hen held its ground, for they were equal in strength.

After some time, not seeing what to do, the hawk invoked a curse, saying: "Whoever would be my true offspring must kill the young of this hen, because she killed my young one."

And that is said to be the reason why the hawk eats chickens, but not hens.


The Vazimba, it is said, lived in this part of the island [that is, in Imérina, the central province of Madagascar] in former times; and as to their appearance they are said to have been small people with little heads; and it is reported that they still exist on the western coast.

One day a Vazimba went to play by the water and took the animal called "the seven-headed fanàny" (see p. 170); and when the snake called tòmpondràno (a word meaning "lord of the water") passed by, the Vazimba sent him with this message, "Go," said he, "speak thus to father and mother, 'This is the word of thy son, Ravazimba: I have gone under the water and send you my farewells; therefore offer the blood of some living creature, and its feet, and hair or feathers, and the fat, for if you do thus you shall be blessed.'" So the snake went, they say.

This is the reason some give for calling certain snakes tòmpondràno. They believe that the Vazimba gave them power, and hardly any one will kill these creatures; and should any one dare kill one they will wrap it up in silk."[1]

And some time after that the Vazimba sent the kingfisher to his father and mother with this message, "Salutation to father and mother, and say to them: 'Thus saith Ravazimba, send me fowls and sheep.'" And when the kingfisher had thus spoken he returned to the Vazimba again, who said to him, "Because you were diligent and wise I will give you honour; I will put a crown on your head, and clothe you with purple by day and night; when you lay eggs I will nurse you; and if any one kills you, them will I kill while young." And that is why the kingfisher is so beautiful, and makes its hole for a nest by the water. Therefore up to the present time many people

  1. Following the same custom as when people are buried, corpses being wrapped in red silk lambas.