Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/398

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Conway (Moncure Daniel). The pound of flesh. Nineteenth Century, vol. vii. pp. 828-839.
Couch (Jonathan). The history of Polperro, a fishing town on the south coast of Cornwall; being a description of the place, its people, their manners, customs, modes of industry, &c.; with a short account of the life and labour of the Author; and many additions on the popular antiquities of the district: by Thomas Q. Couch, F.S.A. Truro and London, 1871. 8vo. pp. vi. 216.

The following chapters relate to folk-lore: vii. Old usages. viii. Popular antiquities—Fairy mythology. ix. Witchcraft, charms, &c. x. Fasts and festivals, xi. Scraps of folk-lore. xii. Obsolete and obsolescent words.

Cowell (E. B.) On the legend of the chapman of Swaffham, in Norfolk. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. vol. iii. pp. 317-322.
Cox (Rev. Sir George W.) Tales from Greek mythology. London, 1861. 12mo. pp. xiii. 120.

Contents: The sorrow of Dêmêter—The sleep of Endymion—Niobê and Lêto—Orpheus and Eurydicê—Phryxus and Hellê—Cadmus and Europa—Odysseus and Polyphemus—Odysseus and Circê—Odysseus and the Seirens—Odysseus and Nausicaâ—The story of Arion—The treasures of Rhampsinitus.

——————————— Tales from Greek mythology. Second edition. London, 1863. 12mo. pp. xiv. 120.

[The same as the first edition.]

——————————— Tales of the gods and heroes. London, 1862. 12mo. pp. xviii. 310.

Contents: i. Kephalos and Procris. ii. Daphnê. iii. The Delian Apollo. iv. The Pythian Apollo. v. The vengeance of Apollo. vi. The toils of Heracles. vii. Althæa and the burning brand. viii. Phaethon. ix. Epimêtheus and Pandôra. x. Iô and Prometheus. xi. Briareôs. xii. Semelê. xiii. Pentheus. xiv. Arethusa. xv. Tyro. xvi. Poseidon and Athene. xvii. Ariadnê. xviii. Narcissus. xix. Medeia. xx. Kyrênê. xxi. Bellerophon. xxii. Iphigeneia. xxiii. Hector and Andromachê. xxiv. Sarpêdon. xxv. Memnon. xxvi. Œnônê. xxvii. The lotus-eaters. xxviii. The cattle of Helios. xxix. Odysseus and Calypso, xxx. Atys and Adrastos.

——————————— Tales of ancient Greece. Second edition. London, 1872. 8vo. pp. lix. 461.

The tales collected in this volume have, with one exception (Vengeance of Odysseus), appeared in the Tales from Greek Mythology, The Gods and Heroes, and Tales of Thebes and Argos.

——————————— The mythology of the Aryan nations. London, 1870. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. xx. 460; xv. 397.
Contents: Vol. i. book i. cap. i. Popular theories on the origin and growth of mythology. ii. The relation of mythology to language. iii. The source of mythical speech. iv. The development of myths. v. Greek conceptions of mythical tradition. vi. Greek notions respecting the moral aspect of mythology. vii. Theory of Greek mythology as an eclectic system. viii.