Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/413

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Society. From this it will be seen by the Members that the Council have kept within the limits of their income, though the temptation to go beyond has at times been very great.

During the year the Council lost the valued services of Mr. Henry Hill, who had been one of its members from the first. Mr. Hill had endeared himself to a large circle of friends, and his services to the Society were considerable. The vacancy thus caused was filled up, under Rule V., by the election of Mr. Edward Clodd.

In order to relieve Mr. Gomme of some portion of the work now performed by him, it is proposed to appoint an additional. Honorary Secretary, who shall take charge of the financial and non-literary portion of the duties, and the Council therefore recommend that a variation in Rule V. be made so as to admit of this being done. The Rule as altered would stand as follows:

V. The affairs of the Society, including the admission of Members, shall be conducted by a President, three Vice-Presidents, and a Council of twelve Members, who shall from among themselves elect a Director, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Council shall have power to fill up occasional vacancies in their number, and, should it he deemed advisable, to appoint an additional Honorary Secretary.