Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/42

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3. There is none overtaken by another;[1] for if we call for other people's relatives, they say, it is night, but if we call our own relatives, then it is broad day,[2] for look, even the name of Such-an-one is become "Not-overtaken-by-another"!

4. Therefore as for thee, O senior like to a father, thou art an ambòra tree for binding,[1] and the thick forest for hiding, and the hoof for feasting,[1] and the sun and moon, and the sky to cover over, and the earth for treading upon.

5. Thou art the breast joining on to the wings, and palm of the hand joining to the forefinger, and knee joining the muscles.

6. Thou art the sole vòamàintilàny (fruit) remaining, and the tree left of the forest, and the bird changing meat, and thou art chief and Such-an-one still living (amongst us).

Thanksgiving Speech.

Pleasing, friends; swallowed (i.e. acceptable), friends; sweet, friends; great and cannot be swallowed are ye. Sweet indeed is honey, but there are dregs; savoury (lit. sweet) indeed is salt, but it is like a stone; sweet indeed the sugar-cane, but it is like wood; but the good done by you is incomparable. Nevertheless, friends, be of good cheer, for the good you have done will not be pleasing (only) on the day of doing it, like the feet of the cattle treading the rice ground,[3] but will be pleasing taken home to sleep on, for it shall be rewarded when awaking; for that is water bathed in to remove grease, and fat anointing to cause to shine, and cloth to wear to keep off shame. For money is soon spent, and other things come to an end, but friendship, that is enduring.

Another speech is an admonition to companions who shirk their share of government (unpaid) service:—

Short is our word, Sirs, a speech of the old, and if long, yet height without bulk, and if too short, then rolled about; so let it be like the trench for sweet potatoes made by Ikarìjovòla, and the germs (fig. topic) extracted.

With regard to yourself, Such-an-one; the people (lit. "the under

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Here the meaning is not at all clear.
  2. Referring to the strong and universally admitted claims for help in various circumstances that relationship involves.
  3. Cattle are employed to trample over the softened mud of the rice fields before planting.