Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/429

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Abercromby (J.), a Gaelic charm by, 192

Accounts, 406-408

Africa (South), rainmaker's customs in, 216

African Nanci story, 284-287

"A-hunting we will go," singing game, 386

Almanach des traditions populaires, notice of, 95

Alyarez (Fran.), Poesía Popular, notice of, 231; Biblioteca de las tradiciones populares Espanoles, notice of, 399

America, folk-lore in, 397-398

Analysis of folk-tales, 41-51

Ananci stories, 280-292

Andrews (Mrs.), query on buttoning garments by, 197

Angalàpona (the), fabulous Malagasy animal, 173

Animal sacrifice in Egypt, 92

Animals, fabulous, among the Malagasy, 169-174; superstitions connected with (Yucatan), 256

Ant, hero changes into, in Malagasy folk-tale, 203

Anthropology and the Vedas, 107-114

Apperson (Gt. L.), index to the folk-lore of Horace by, 115-118

Babylonian folk-lore, 16-22

Balam, spirits among the Maya (Yucatan), 251-253

Balaton (Lake), origin of, 358

Ball, game of in Irish folk-tale, 316

Banbury (Oxon), nursery rhyme in, 196

Barnard Castle, term of reproach, 227

Basingstoke parish church, New Year's Eve custom in, 333

Bat, superstition about the, 382

Beetle-lore, 188, 189

Bells, custom of ringing at death (Magyar), 357

Bells used in Morris dancing, 122

"Belly and the members" (fable), Malagasy parallel to, 240-241

Bewcastle, term of reproach, 227

Bible, divination by the, 333

Bible, evidence of as to savage man, 109

Bibliography of folk-lore publications in English, 77-84, 344-350, 387-394, 403; of American folk-lore, 397

Birds mourn for Christ's death (Spain), 295

Birth-custom (Cornwall), 59

Birth, assistance demanded by fairies from women at time of, 25; fairies take away children at, 56

Black (W. G.), the hare in folk-lore by, 84-90; illustrations of folk-lore from works of fiction, 299-300; bibliographical list of American folk-lore, 397-398

Blind (Dr. K,), on May-chafer and spring songs in Germany, 187-190

"Bogle Hole," spirit of, 226

Bogy stories among the Malagasy, 169-174

Bones, dead men's, used by rainmakers (Polynesia), 215

Bounds, beating the, custom analogous to, 156

Brabrook (E. W.), on May customs in Provence, 301

Branwen, Irish parallel tale to, 123; additions to tale of, 268

Bread thrown over bride, 120

Brinton (Dr. D.), on folk-lore of Yucatan, 244-256

Britten (James), on children's street songs, 90, 196, 267; on Irish folk-tales, 52-55, 184-187, 316-324, 363; on trolls in Norway, 363; on Warwickshire customs (1759-60), 351-353; on witchcraft in churning, 123; witch-spell on cattle, 166

Brood of ducks, proper name for, 124