Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 1 1883.djvu/58

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Luzel, Contes publiées dans Mélusine [14].

Luzel, Contes publiées dans la Revue Celtique [6].

Luzel, Veillées Bretonne. Paris, 1879 [6].

Luzel, Légendes chrétiennes de la Basse-Bretagne. 2 vols. Paris, 1882 [72].

[A full bibliography of Breton popular literature may be found in the Revue Celtique, Vol. v.]

New Zealand.

Grey's Polynesian Mythology. London, 1851.

Shortland's Traditions and Superstitions of the New Zealanders. London, 1854.

Schirren's Der Wandersagen der Neuseeländer und der Maui Mythos. Riga, 1856.

New Guinea.

Gill's Myths and Songs of the South Pacific. 1876.


Maspéro, Contes Egyptiens. Paris, 1882 [c. 10].

Revoil, Contes Berbères. Paris, 1882.

Koelle's African Native Literature. London, 1854, Cf. Grimm, iii. pp. 362 et ff. who translates or abstracts 16 of the tales.

Callaway's Nursery Tales, &c. of the Zulus. 2 vols. London, 1868.

Bleek's Reynard the Fox in South Africa. London, 1864 [42].

Bleek's A Brief Account of Bushman folk-lore (second report concerning Bushman researches, &c.) Cape Town, 1875.

South African Folk-Lore Journal. Vols. i. ii. Cape Town, 1879-1880 [24].

Dahle's Specimens of Malagasy Folk-lore.

Theal's Kaffir Folk-lore. London ( 1882) [20].


Matthews's Ethnography, &c. of the Hidatsa Indians. Washington, 1877.

Rink's Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo. Edinburgh, 1875 [c. 50 tales].

Brett's Legends, &c., of British Guiana. (1879).