Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 2 1884.djvu/163

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Generic name of story.—(Not to be filled up.)

Specific name.—The Three Marys.

Dramatis personæ.—(1) Father, (2) son (hero), (3) a stranger (the Devil), (4) the three Marys, (5) St. Joseph, (6) a composite monster.

Thread of story.—Poverty-stricken father, about to have another addition to his family, meets a stranger,1 who offers himself as god-father to son about to be born, on condition that when twenty years old he be given up to him.2 This time comes.3 Stranger leads youth away to a castle. Youth finds three females clothed in white (the three Marys), who warn him of stranger's evil designs. Stranger sets him three tasks. Acting under advice of three Marys, he acomplishes first two4 with aid of St.Joseph.5 By their advice he also accomplishes third task—to ride a monstrous horse.6 He then takes leave of stranger,7 and goes home after giving thanks in a church for his merciful escape.

Incidental circumstances.

1 Riding on horse-back. 2 He gives a sum of money to father, and excuses himself from being present at baptism. 3 Son brought to original place of meeting 4 First : to knead a bushel of flour without water; second :to find a bunch of grapes in January. 5 Who lives in a little cottage—he has to go straight forward to find it, and not look back when people call him. 6 Composed of the whole family, the man is the head; woman the tail; children the haunches. He quells it by striking the head with an iron club. 7 Who is sick after the mauling. 8 The church vanishes and he finds himself at home.

Where published.El Folk-Lore Andaluz, 1882-3, p. 457.

Contributed by Da Cipriana Alvarez Duran.

Nature of collection, whether:—

  1. Original or translation.—Original.
  2. If by word of mouth, state narrator's name.—Not given.
  3. Other particulars.—Was part of the unpublished colection of Demofilo (Señor Machado y Alvarez).

Special points noted by the Editor of the above.—Nil.

(Signed)J. William Crombie, Balgownie, Aberdeen.