Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 2 1884.djvu/232

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The Two Brothers and the Forty-nine Dragons; the Nine Doves; my Lady Sea; Little Saddleslut (Cinderella); Starbright and Birdie; the Golden Wand; the Snake, the Dog, and the Cat; Sir Lazarus and the Dragons; the Lion, the Tiger, and the Eagle; the Little Brother who saved his Sister from the Dragon; the Bet with the Beardless; the Knife of Slaughter, the Whetstone of Patience and the Unmelting Candle; the Fox on Pilgrimage; the Husbandman, the Snake, and the Fox; the Princess who went to the Wars; the Twins; the Goat-Girl; the Bayberry; the Prince and the Fairy; the Golden Stud; the Golden Casket; the Cunning Old Man; the Shoemaker and the Princess; the Tale of the Dragon; Little John, the Widow's Son; the Scab-pate; Constantes and the Dragon; the Crazy Priestess with her Crazy Daughters; the Man without a Beard.

Mélusine for May contains the following articles: Popular superstitions in the Liber Scarapsus (a treatise attributed to S. Pirmin, who died in 753), by M. S. Berger; notes on popular melodies; on the great bear; on the rainbow; the magician, a song from Côtes du Nord; Germaine, a song from Loiret; a Greek tale from Asia Minor, a tale " L'embrouillement des Pieds." The June number contains: Contes Nagos, by M. l'Abbé P. Bouche; notes on popular melodies; "les védas reduits à leur juste valeur"; folk-lore of Finland; the great bear; and the rainbow.

The Council in their Annual Report state that the Right Reverend the Bishop of St. John's Kaffraria (Dr. Henry Callaway) has very kindly presented to the Society about eighty copies of his very valuable Zulu Nursery Literature, and about five hundred copies of his Religious System of the Amazulu. This most generous and acceptable gift will enable the Council to send a copy of the latter work to each member of the Society; and, with reference to the Zulu Nursery Literature, the Council propose to offer it for sale to members of the Society at half-a-guinea, any copies that may remain being offered to the general public at one guinea net. As this book is exceedingly scarce and valuable, members who wish to purchase a copy should send in their names at once.