Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 2 1884.djvu/85

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to plant; so make a country house[1] on a high hill, for the living creatures upon the earth will come to you." So the things spoken by God were fulfilled to Rafàralàhy, and he became very wealthy.[2]

So after some time had passed, his brothers perceived that Rafàralàhy had become rich. And they asked him, "Wherever have you got such a vast amount of property?" He replied, "From where do you suppose? for I obtained it from God." When they heard that they were eager to go too, and said, "Come, let us also get some there, for if he gave to Rafàralàhy much more will he give to us."

So off they set with haste over the hills, and after they had gone a little way they met some water-bearers, who asked, "Where are you going?" They replied, "We are going to God to get wealth." The water-bearers said, "Come, let us show you the road." But they refused, shaking their heads and saying, "Rafàralàhy got there without being directed, much more may we!" at the same time looking very supercilious and turning up their noses. After a little while again they came up with the stone-burners,[3] who inquired their errand in the same way, and whom they answered in the same manner as they had done the water-carriers.

And after some time they came to God. But when they saw the old woman and the dogs and ravenous beasts, they did not know about them as their brother did, for they shouted at the dogs and drove them and the beasts away, and brushed by the old woman and came trampling heavily to God's dwelling, and arriving at the door called out, "Haody, haody!"[4] So God said, "Come forward here, north of the hearth." Then the impudent fellows pressed forward. So God said to his servants, "Get some food for the strangers." So the servants placed some on the silver dish, and the fellows ate away until they were gorged. Then God inquired of them, "Where are you from? and where are you going? and what is your errand?" The pair replied, "To seek wealth here from thee, for you have given Rafàralàhy abundance and to spare." So he replied, "Wait awhile

  1. The word so translated is literally "round-fosse," as the great majority of compounds are surrounded with a circular fosse. And old villages in Imérina and Bétsiléo are all on hills.
  2. Literally, "a thousander," as we say "a millionaire."
  3. Men procuring the large slabs of blue basalt rock which are used for Hova tombs, by means of burning small fires of cow-dung, by which the stone is heated and split off in the sizes required.
  4. The usual phrase employed in asking permission to enter a friend's house.