Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 3 1885.djvu/38

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61. Hath kangan ko drsi kyd ? Of what use is the thumb-mirror to the bracelet ? (obvious matters

don't require explanation).

62. " Edm Rdm " ko " Rdm Rdm " hai. Compliments win compliments.

63. Tint ke galle men talU. The bell on the camel's neck: (spring wedded to winter).

64. Akeld chand bhdt nahinjhok saktd. One pea won't set the oven on fire : (a single person is of no value :

union is strength).

65. Gur se mithi kyd hai ? Sachi bdt. What is sweeter than sugar ? Truth.

66. Allahj de niwdld ! God, give us a morsel ! (Give us this day our daily bread.)

67. Mard ki mdyd, hrichh ki chhdyd, us ke sdthjdti. A man's influence and a tree's shade go when they go.

68. Cho?' ki ddrhi men tinkd. There is a straw in the thief s beard: (something wrong about him).

69. Kuchh to ddl men kdld hai. There are always black peas in pulse.

70. Thothd chand hole ghand. Hollow peas make much noise.

71. Andhi pise kuttd khde. The blind woman grinds and the dog eats.

72. Bhukhd jdne hhojan ki sdi\ The hungry man knows the value of food.

73. Sastd rove hdr hdr, mahingd rove ik bar. Cheap is always weeping, dear weeps but once: (cheap and nasty).

74. Ab aisd satjugi hai : ab koi puchhtd nahm ki tere munh kai ddnt hai ? "

The rule is so just nowadays, that no one asks you how many teeth you have in your mouth: (you are left alone).

75. Andar tin kdne nahin^ bdhar Miydn Maror Khdn, At home not three farthings, and abroad he is my Lord Proud.

{Maror Khdn, Sir Pride, is used also of monkeys).