Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 3 1885.djvu/43

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187. Naukan men Icy a dkan? Can a servant disobey ?

138. Nangi kyd nahde ? Kyd nicTiore ?

Why should a naked woman wring out her clothes ?

139. Chhiknd munh sab chdtte.

All lick a smooth face : (sycophancy).

140. Thuk men sattu sannd.

To knead flour with spittle : (the miser).

141. Jaisi ten komn, waisd merd git. As you pay, so will I sing.

142. Jangal men mor ndche kis ne dekhe ? Who sees a peacock dancing in the jungle ?

143. Ckor ke ghar men gathkhatd. A pickpocket in a thief's house.

144. Bdl ki kJidl nikdlnewdld.

Taking the skin off the hair : (searching examination).

145. Us ke muchhon ke bdl munh men parte hain. His moustache is in his mouth : (a lazy man).

146. Jyun jyun kambali bhige, tyun tyun bhdnho.

The wetter the blanket the heavier it gets : (said of a debt).

147. Bat kd batangar ban gtd! The sentence has become a speech !

148. Mar ke dge shaitdn bht ndchtd hat. Even the devil dances to blows.

149. Lohe ko lohd tore.

It is iron that breaks iron : (when Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war).

150. Aj kal to tumhdri guddi charhi hui hai. Nowadays it is thy kite that is uppermost.

151. Aj kal to tumhdri ghi ke chardgh balte hain. Nowadays your lamps bum butter : (you are prosperous).

152. Sahtj pakke so mithd ho. Slowly cooked is sweet.

153. Aj kal ke Juldhe rupaye parakte hain.

Nowadays weavers are testing money : (a parodox ; weavers are proverbially stupid).
