Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 4 1886.djvu/95

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Generic name of story.—(Not to be filled up).
Specific name.—How the Sun, the Moon, and the Wind went out to Dinner.
Dramatis Personæ—Sun, Moon, Wind, Star, Thunder, and Lightning.
Thread of Story.—The Sun, Moon, and Wind went to dine with their uncle and aunt, thunder and Lightning. Sun and Wind satisfied themselves, but saved no food for the Star, their mother; Moon alone remembered her. Star was angry at being forgotten, and caused the Sun to be hot and scorching, the Wind to parch and shrivel all living things, that men might hate them, but the Moon was to be calm and bright, and blessed by all men; wherefore her light is soft and cool.
Incidental circumstances.
Where published.―In Old Deccan Days, pp. 153-155. 2nd edition. London, 1870. Tale No. 10.
Nature of collection, whether:―
1. Original of translation.
2. If by word of mouth, state narrator's name.―Narrated in broken English by Anna Liberata de Souza, ayah in the family of Sir Bartle Frere when at Bombay. The narrator belonged to the Lingaets, a South Indian tribe.
3. Other particulars.
Special points noted by the Editor of the above.

(Signed)A. A. Larner,
19. Carleton Road, Tufnell Park, N.