Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 5 1887.djvu/370

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The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on Friday, 25th of March, at 7·45 p.m., at the Royal Asiatic Society's Rooms, 22, Albemarle Street, the President, the Earl of Strafford, being in the chair.

The Annual Report of the Council was received and adopted.

The Treasurer's Account for the year ending December, 1886, was received and passed.

A Special General Meeting under Rule X. was held for the purpose of varying Rule Y . by the substitution of the words—

"A Council of twenty Members," instead of "A Council of twelve Members."

And the rule as amended was passed.

The Council and Officers for the ensuing year were elected, the Members of the old Council being re-elected, and the following new Members added to the Council, viz.: Dr. Antonio Machado y Alvarez, James Britten, F.L.S., Dr. Brinton, Mons. Loys Bruyére, Miss Burne, Signor Comparetti, Sir John Lubbock, Bart., Sir Henry Maine, K.C.S.I.

A vote of thanks was proposed and seconded to the Earl of Strafford for his services as President of the Society, and to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. J. Foster, for his exertions during the past year. These votes were carried unanimously.

Papers were read by Mr. W. F. Kirby on "the Forbidden Doors of the 1001 Nights," and by Mr. Foster, on behalf of Dr. Gaster, on "the Modern Origin of Folk -Tales."