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Lucia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves The forgotten in the independence process: a history to be made

Almanack, Guarulhos, n. 25, ef00220, 2020

in 1828. As a general rule, in his writings he defended constitutional ideas, presenting a fundamental peculiarity: in his trajectory he circulated between Portugal, Africa and Brazil, getting involved in numerous controversies at the time of the establishment of constitutionalism in the Portuguese Empire and its dissolution. Arrested in Lisbon for falsifying Santa Casa de Misericórdia lottery tickets, according to a police official’s report in 1828, he was sentenced to exile in Angola. With the first news of the Revolution of 1820, he tried to implant in that part of the Portuguese kingdom the bases of the Constitution of Portugal to break the irons of despotism. He then came to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, where he obtained forgiveness from Prince Regent D. Pedro[1]. According to Raphael Rocha de Almeida, in a recent study that takes up this character, one can raise the hypothesis that Anastácio Falcão would receive money to publish texts favorable to the government in Portugal, where he returned[2].

In Rio, he wrote O alfaiate constitucional and Os anti-constitucionais[3]. The first printout could be found in several bookstores in the Imperial Court and sold overseas, according to an advertisement published in Gazeta do Rio[4], which shows the wide circulation of printed matter and political information from one side of the Atlantic to


  1. NOTA de que consta nesta Intendência Geral da Polícia acerca de José Anastácio Falcão, datada em 24 de março de 1828. In: MARTINS, Rocha (coord.). Correspondencia do 2º visconde de Santarém: I volume: 1827-1828. Lisboa: A. Lamas Motta & Cia, 1918. p. 41-43. Available at: Accessed on Jun 18th, 2020.
  2. ALMEIDA, Raphael Rocha de. A trajetória política e as ideias de José Anastácio Falcão em meio à crise do império atlântico português (1808-1828). In: SIMPÓSIO NACIONAL DE HISTÓRIA, 30., 2019, Recife. Anais […]. São Paulo: Anpuh, 2019. Available at: Accessed on Jun 18th, 2020.
  3. Cf. FALCÃO, José Anastácio. O alfaiate constitucional: diálogo entre o alfaiate e os freguezes. Partes I-IV. Rio de Janeiro: Tip. Nacional, 1821; Idem, Os anti-constitucionaes: prova-se que são maos christãos, maos vassallos: e os maiores inimigos da nossa patria. Parte I. Rio de Janeiro: Tip. Regia, 1821.
  4. GAZETA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Rio de Janeiro, n. 97, 13 out. 1821. The subscription to the work was reported by the DIÁRIO DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Rio de Janeiro, n. 23, 25 jun. 1821. In the add, it was stated that the work should also please the Audience, as it was conceived “in such a sense, that it can only stimulate those whose shoes would fit”.