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Lucia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves The forgotten in the independence process: a history to be made

Almanack, Guarulhos, n. 25, ef00220, 2020

Based on Bandarra’s prophecies, which he considered “extremely true”, although mysterious, as they were not mistaken in one point of the premeditated facts, Antônio Barbosa made an extraordinary interpretation of the process of separating Brazil from Portugal, unlike any other. For him, the Independence of Brazil ensured dynastic continuity, legitimacy, popular sovereignty and a messianic-providential aspect. On the one hand, the process entailed close ties with a revolutionary project, idealized, in large part, by the Masonry. On the other hand, Independence was much more than a simple break with Portugal. When establishing a model of power wrapped in prophetic and apocalyptic mysticism, which intended to be “materially Divine”, Brazil became “a new Portugal”[1]. In this way, the Independence of Brazil was identified with the history of Portugal and, especially, with Bandarra’s prophecies. Pedro I assumed the providential charism of D. Sebastião, while Brazil became the legitimate successor of Portugal, as the seat of the Fifth Empire, just as it placed the prophetic and apocalyptic literature that permeated all of Portuguese history. Therefore, for Antônio Barbosa, the real Encoberto was no longer D. Sebastião, but Pedro I. And the realization of the Fifth Empire, already recommended by Antônio Vieira, took the form of the Empire of Brazil: “The trunk is yet to come / I can already see us raised to Cedar / Little goes from Pedro to Pedro / If the trunk branch measures”[2]. The hidden island described in the troves, from which the true king would arrive, was not Portugal; nor was the king D. Sebastião, as he had always been interpreted. The island was “happy Brazil”, chosen by the divine providence to “rise the Almighty Monarch of the Monarchs of the World”[3]. This king was D. Pedro who soon would also take his domain to Portugal. A happy time in the year 1826 when, by chance or not, D. João VI passed away, thus bringing the whole succession process in Portugal. They were prophecies: “extremely true, as well


  1. Ibidem, p. 6-7, emphasis of the author
  2. Ibidem, p. 55
  3. Ibidem, p. 65.