Page:The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms (1881).djvu/330

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  • Bridgman, Mr., on worms eating leaves of a Phlox, 33
  • Buckman, on grasses profiting by being rolled, 10
  • Burial of the remains of ancient buildings by worms, 176
  • Burrows, depth of, 109
  • Burrows,— — — direction of, on a slope, 270
  • Burrows,— — — excavation of, 98
  • Burrows,— — — lined with black earth, 111
  • Burrows,— — — lined with leaves, 112
  • Burrows,— — — mouths of, worms lie motionless near, 15
  • Burrows,— — — old, their collapse, 118
  • Burrows,— — — plugged up, 58
  • Burrows,— — — terminating in a small chamber, often lined with stones or seeds, 114

  • Calciferous glands, 17, 43
  • Cannibal worms, 36
  • Carnagie, Mr., depth of burrows, 114
  • Castings, acid, 52
  • Castings,— — — from Beaulieu, 101
  • Castings,— — — tower-like, near Nice, 106
  • Castings,— — — ejection of, 116
  • Castings,— — — tower-like, from near Calcutta, 123
  • Castings,— — — of great size on the Nilgiri Mountains, 126
  • Castings,— — — weight of, from a single burrow and from a given area, 160
  • Castings,— — — thickness of layer formed from, during a year, 169
  • Castings,— — — ejected over ancient buildings, 253
  • Castings,— — — flowing down slopes, 261
  • Castings,— — — washed away, 272
  • Castings,— — — dry, disintegration of, 275
  • Castings,— — — blown to leeward, 283
  • Cells, free, with calcareous matter in the calciforous glands, 47
  • Cellulose, digestion of, 37