Page:The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms (1881).djvu/333

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  • Food of worms, leaves, 35
  • Food of worms— — —, earth, 100
  • Foster, Michael, on the pancreatic ferment, 37
  • Foster, Michael,— — — on the acidity of the contents of the intestines, 52
  • Foundations, deep, of the Roman buildings at Wroxeter, 227
  • Furrows on old ploughed fields, 292

  • Galton, Mr., on the number of dead worms, 14
  • Geikie, Archibald, on Denudation, 233
  • Geikie, Archibald,— — — controverts É. de Beaumont's views on Denudation, 289
  • Geike,— — — James, controverts Richthofen's views, 237
  • Geike, James,— — — on glaciated rocks, 245
  • Geographical distribution of worms, 120
  • Gizzards of worms, 246
  • Glands, calciferous, 17, 43
  • Glands, calciferous,— — — function of, 49
  • Glen Roy, evidence of rarity of debacles, 260

  • Haast, Von, on aboriginal instruments in New Zealand found buried, 147
  • Hearing, sense of, 26
  • Heat, perception of, 25
  • Heaths, inhabited by few worms, except where paths cross them, 10
  • Henson on the number of worms in gardens, 5
  • Hensen— — — on worms not subsisting on earth, 108
  • Hensen— — — depth of burrows, 110
  • Hensen— — — on number of worms living in a given area, 158
  • Hensen— — — on the composition of mould, 238
  • Hensen— — — on the amount of humus formed by two worms, 310