Page:The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms (1881).djvu/339

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  • Taste, power of, 32
  • Thickness of the layer of mould annually ejected by worms, 169
  • Thickness— — — of the mould over the remains at Chedworth, 199
  • Thickness— — — of the mould over the remains at Silchester, 218
  • Thickness— — — of the mould over the Roman remains at Wroxeter, 223
  • Thyme, leaves of, not eaten by worms, 33
  • Touch, worms highly sensitive to, 28
  • Triangles of paper, 82
  • Trituration of particles of rock in the gizzards of worms, 249
  • Tumuli, ancient, 290
  • Tylor, Mr. A., on Denudation, 233
  • Tylor, Mr. E., on anciently ploughed land, 293
  • Typhosolis, 19

  • Utricularia, bladders of, 109

  • Vibrations, worms sensitive to, 27
  • Vision, power of, in worms, 20

  • Walls, ancient, at Abinger, penetrated by worms, 188
  • Walls, ancient,— — — penetrated by worms at Silchester, 209
  • Washing away of castings, 272
  • Wedgwood, Mr., on the formation of mould, 3
  • Weight of earth ejected from a single burrow, 160
  • Whitaker, Mr., on Denudation, 232
  • White, on worms leaving their burrows at night, 14
  • Winchester, chalk formation near, 301
  • Wind, action of, on castings, 283
  • Worms, nocturnal, 13
  • Worms,— — — large numbers occasionally die, 14
  • Worms,— — — dead eaten by other worms, 36