Page:The Fourth Estate, July to December 1917.djvu/557

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October 27, 1917
The Fourth Estate

Philadelphia ne Third Largest Market in the United States rOMlNATE i^hiladelphia, create maximum ^ impression on both dealers and customers at one cost by concentrating in the Dominant Newspaper, the The newspaper situation in Philadelphia is different from almost any other market in the country — ^because one newspaper (The Biilletin) goes into nearly every home in and near Philadelphia, makinc; it possible for advertisers to send their selling appeals to practically every possible buyer in ope medium at one cost. "In Philadelphia Nearly Everybody Reads Philadelphia Bulletin Practically 100^ of the entire potential market. Net paid average two-cent circulation for six months from April 1 to September 30, 1917, (a$ per report to U. S. Post Office Department^ The Largest Two-Cent Circulation in the East WILLIAM L. McLean, Vublisher NKW YORK Dan A. Canoil TfibvW BMiMing CHICAGO J. £. VeiiM Sk^pv Anldiiig Digitized by Google