Page:The Fourth Estate, July to December 1917.djvu/670

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10 The Fourth Estate November 17, 1917 CHART SHOWING HIGH AND LOW MARKS IN NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, BY MONTHS, FOR PAST FOUR YEARS. !'I-:k MILLION AGATE UNE& JAN. Bf Coorttty of A DEC NEWSPAPER ADS IN OCTOBER. REPORTS KROM TWENTY- ONE CITIFS SHOW VERY SI.H.HT DII'M-RF.NCE. The Ai;[!nin increase in acl- VtTtiiinK liiisinrss in the United States. iiK rrprp-rnled bjr reporlil In the pa|wr committee of tnc American Ncwipaaer Publiihcn Anoetalion ffMH ■MtQMkrcc newipapen located la lw«at]^«iM AoMricMi cities con- tisDcd dnriae October m a par with last yean retitrM. Compared with tlw HUM mouih iMt year. October returns fhowcd a very »li(rht decrease. F«ir the ten monlht eodinc October' last rrnirm show an increase of 4 18 per cent over tbr s.-imr period la%t year. Campsirisun of these returns for the jkast four ycara is presented in the ac- companying chart. It will be seen that »bilc Ihii year's figure* arc aboui •qaal to last year's ivt the ■OOlh of Oet«Acr, they are cofulderaUy atieve the two precedins years. Advertlsins returns for October from E.l«tem cities as rrprc<rnted by New York. Philadelphi i :in.| llnffalo. show an increase cl '.n iirr crnt as compared with the same nninih I.iit The returns from the West M rtpreaenicd by Chicago, CIcvclaod, Detroit, daetaaatt. St. Lo«it, Uitwats- Icec aflo Indiaaapon* ahow a decrease of 4.5 ner cent. P.icific Cnast cities, represented by t.ns . (feles, S.nn Francisco and Pnrt- lanr). show a decrease of H.R.l per cent. Norlhweslern cities, as reprcsentcil |v Hinmwvlia, St P«nl um Kansas Otjr. ihav aa increase of 1.7 per Baltnnurc. c» IJrlcans, Allanlla Houston and W:isbington, show ao increase of 3.0 per cent. Tbe monthly advertising returns frosB these citMa an presented in full rmt» ftm january. 1»14. to date. CUsslRed and display ad- vertisinir. local srsd fut<-i«n. week-day and Sunday cdiii'ir.'i, ,irc mrluded, Ten SDMitbs eodin# October iiir StMttcffa ritici^ as npccMutod bsr Trn nanib* sadbw OMsbar, IHT, tt»f Sll.St*. TottI acate Imes, 1*U, •Ift.lM.MS. TiMal aaate linei, MI.MI,TH. Total scat eiinea, UI*. MMM,!**. The rcluroa arc received from die fotlowing dtica: BvUrn Portland New Yarfc Nfk WtU ni'.iw.^ >HBn«p.B«  SeutktT* Kansas Chy* BaManra UUe* Wnt ■ ■|r"|a n ai IMIIVII Wasiiinitao Clndanall Pacific Si- Lools l.r, ,„£.l.- Milwaukee San Francisco IivdianapoHs* •One a s wiH Hf aniy.


Six dailies of the state of Washington have organized to form the Pacific Northwest Daily Newspaper Association in order to standardize their fon^ advertizing business and run it on a co-opernfive )>lan. Colnnel W. W. Robertson, miblisfaef • >i the Herald and the Republican of Y.iWima. has been chosen president nf the uTRaniLition, As yet no other officers h.ive been selected. Dailies of Washington. Oregon and Idaho with more than ♦,(100 circulation Md^ooaibly atroag dailies with BOARD OF ADVICE ON WAR T AX. AID FOR THOSE IN DOUBT- TWO EDITORS ATFOINTEO —PLAN FOR PUBLICTTY. Newspaper publishers and adver- tiscra who may be in doubt as to (kdr Mr tax atatus will be interested to learn that the appointment of an advisory boanl of nine menibcra t.> be known .t^ tin^ "excess pfofi^^ ad visers" has bt-cn iinnijunccd by Secre- tary of the TruMity Mc.Adoo. It will act as a l> rJ t nppeals for the Internal Revenue llnreau on all questions connected with the inter- pretatioo and execution of the ex- cess profit* section of the new war tax law. Tbe members of the board arc: Representative Cordell Hull, a BMawer of tbe House committee an ways aad means : T. S. Adams, econ- maMt •! Yale University; Wallace D, SlaMMns, president Simmons Hafdwaie ConiP'i^v. St. I.ouis and PUIaddphia .F I' Strrrr-t of Price, Water ho BSC & Co., accountants. New York GXr; S. R, Bert row «f Bertron liriscom h Cfti banker^ New Yoik City; i:. T. Meredith, editor Saaccssfui Farming. Dea Moincs, la.; T. W. Mc- CuIImikIi. eiliior Omfiha Bee. Oma- ha. Nrh : .^tcwarl W. i t.inHT of the N.iti 'nal Council of Cotton Nf.nn- «f.%ciurrr«, Charlotte, N. C iin.i Henry Wallers, chairman of rhr boanL.AtUatie Coaat LUw, and Lou viBc It NaabvUte SaHaraM, Hie membership of this hoard, it is explainer!. lias been selected with a view to III'- br-i.ulcst consideration of the business interests of the country "In addilian tn the action of the department in availing itself of aenrieca e( Ibast advutcib vtaaa art l>e:ng {orr.r.:! itcj fi<t i pfOgnUM of inforraatum for the I^xpayiBg pob- lie." said Mr McAdoo. "It is rsienlial thai tv*rj laxpaytr- Shalt knotr how to cvmpult Ike amount pf the tastt h* mtut pojr, and the time, place and metkcd providtd far tff {-avrntnl. "1 h,- (/."J- fmt-Ki recognises that informaifii of Ihtt kind mil br dispensable hecausc the late puts upon the laxpaytr the reiponiibility for makiMg the returns by n'htc* ku lax it i WAR WRITER NOT EXEXfPT. Writers on the war will not get exemption from the draft from die district board ofdivisioa for Nortbcra California on the seore of the low portance of their work to the Go*^ ernment. This stand was ouida known in the case of James W. Para- nior'.'. wh'i wanlrrf to <T.Ty in R'-i-s^i.i to dii a s; ^rrir< nf .iiti^-lc-; nn the war fur the New Republic, New York. He was denied aiMBftlaB by the board and has now >maa1»d the case to President Wilson. "The enterprise waa not necexaary to the maintenance of the military establishment." the board ruled, ".■tnd ific •ndiviilual waa not neces- sary vi the enterprise. The New Krpublir could send a man aiote loan thirty years old. or a WOMB to do th e articles oa Rmiia. F06TSR DEFEATED. Charles C. Foster, formerly city alitor of the Louisville (Ky.) Times and for eight years in charge of the Jeffpison County Jail in Louisville. yrM defeated a: the polls last ireeic Foster cstaUiahed the first jail school in tha Uaitad Slates and has uugfat thousands of men and women who have been bis prisoners. The Moatnae (la.) Jonrsal and MMper have tcca comaUdMad. Digitized by Google