Page:The Friendly Stars by Martha Evans Martin.djvu/292

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of, 34, 77, 95, 167, 168, 172-176, 189, 193, 196, 198, 214; double, 34, 47, 54, 62, 77, 88, 94, 95, 104, 113, 115, 162-176, 189, 193, 195, 196, 198, 206, 214, 227; Arcturus, 37-43; Spica, 44-47; Vega, 48-54; Deneb, 55- 62; Altair, 63-70; Anta- res, 71-77; Fomalhaut, 78-82, 241; "royal," 81, 86; Aldebaran, 83-88; winter, 83 ; in Orion, 89- 97, 242; in Gemini, 98- 105; two Dog, 106-116; Regulus, 117-122; Dene- bola, 122; number of, 123-129, 146; lucid, 124; dark, 126; degrees of brightness in, 127, 128; and photography, 127- 129; names of, 130-137; light of, 138-147; classification of, 138, 139, 141; photometrical measurements of, 140- 143 ; light ratio of, 144; distance of, from the earth, 148-161; in the constellations, 177- 181; Polaris, 183-186; in the Great Dipper, 190- 196; in Cassiopeia, 197, 198; in Cepheus, 199; in the Dragon, 200; in Canes Venatici, 202; in Bootes, 203 ; in Corona Borealis, 204; in Her- cules, 204, 205; in Lyra, 206; in Aquila, 207; in the Dolphin, 208; in Sagitta, 208; in Pegasus, 209, 2ii ; in Androm- eda, 211-213; in Per- seus, 213, 2 1 4 ; in Auriga, 2 1 5 ; in Triangulum, 215; in Aries, 216, 217; in Taurus, 217, 218; in the Pleiades, 219-228; in Gemini, 230; in Canis Minor, 230; in Cancer, 231 ; in Leo, 231, 232 ; in Coma Berenices, 232; in Virgo, 234, 235; in Libra, 235, 236; in Scor- pius, 236; in Sagittarius, 237, 238; Ophiuchus and Serpens, 238, 239; in Capricornus, 239; Aquarius, 240; Piscis Australis, 240, 241; in Cetus, 2 4 1 , 2 4 2 ; in Lepus, 2*42; in Eridanus, 242; in Canis Major, 243; in Hydra, 243, 244; in Pisces, 245, 246; in- dividuality of, 247-253. Sun, the, a star, 33; di- ameter of, 41; stars brighter than, 47, 53, 69, 76, 82, 87, 94, 102, 112 115, 121, 155; distance from the earth 153, 154, 213. Sword of Orion, 95.

TAURUS, the Hyades in, 84, 218; and Orion, 89, 97; stars in, 132; sec- ond sign of the Zodiac, 217 ; the Pleiades in, 221. Taygeta, location, 227; a double star, ibid. Theta in Leo, 232.