Page:The Fruit of the Tree (Wharton 1907).djvu/518

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my chance of a big success in my career; and I was desperate—weak, if you like—and tried to deaden my feelings in order to keep up my pluck.”

Justine rose to her feet with a movement of impatience. “Every word you say proves how unfit you are to assume any responsibility—to do anything but try to recover your health. If I can help you to that, I am still willing to do so.”

Wyant rose also, moving a step nearer. “Well, get me that place, then—I’ll see to the rest: I’ll keep straight.”

“No—it’s impossible.”

“You won’t?”

“I can’t,” she repeated firmly.

“And you expect to put me off with that answer?”

She hesitated. “Yes—if there’s no other help you’ll accept.”

He laughed again—his feeble sneering laugh was disgusting. “Oh, I don’t say that. I’d like to earn my living honestly—funny preference—but if you cut me off from that, I suppose it’s only fair to let you make up for it. My wife and child have got to live.”

“You choose a strange way of helping them; but I will do what I can if you will go for a while to some institution——

He broke in furiously. “Institution be damned!

You can’t shuffle me out of the way like that. I’m all

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